Bitsadmin /Cache /Help Bitsadmin /Cache /Clear Bitsadmin /Cache /Delete Bitsadmin /Cache /DeleteURL Bitsadmin /Cache /List Bitsadmin /Cache /Info Bitsadmin /Cache /GetLimit Bitsadmin /Cache /SetLimit Bitsadmin /Cache /GetExpirationTime Bitsadmin /Cache /SetExpirationTime
Parameter | Description |
Displays the command-line usage for the /Cache commands. |
Purges the local cache. |
Deletes a cache entry. |
Deletes all cache entries for the given URL. |
Lists all cache entries. |
Dumps a specific cache entry. |
Retrieves the cache limit. |
Sets the cache limit. |
Retrieves the cache expiration time. |
Sets the cache expiration time. |