There are several navigational options in the File Server Resource Manager snap-in. The following tables detail the navigational options in the File Server Resource Manager nodes, which include:


Item Details


Opens the Quota Filter dialog box, where you can select options to limit the display of quotas in the Results pane. To restore the complete list of quota types and paths: in the Quota Filter dialog box, select All.

Create Quota

Opens the Create Quota dialog box. For more information about creating quotas, see Create a Quota.


Refreshes the console details.

Create Template from Quota

Opens the Create Quota Template dialog box with the properties of the selected quota. For more information about creating quota templates, see Create a Quota Template.

View Quotas Affecting Folder

Displays only those quotas that affect the same folder as the selected quota.

Edit Quota Properties

Opens the Quota Properties dialog box for the selected quota. For more information about editing quota properties, see Quota Properties.

Delete Quotas

Prompts you for confirmation that you want to delete the selected quota. If the quota was derived from a template, that template will not be deleted.

Reset Peak Usage

Eliminates the current peak usage figure so that the peak usage recording starts over.

Enable Quotas

Enables the selected quota.

Disable Quotas

Disables the selected quota.

Quota Templates

Item Details

Create Quota Template

Opens the Create Quota Template dialog box. For more information about creating quota templates, see Create a Quota Template.


Refreshes the console details.

Create Quota from Template

Opens a Create Quota dialog box that includes the properties of the selected quota template. For more information about creating quotas, see Create a Quota.

Edit Template Properties

Opens the Quota Template Properties dialog box for the selected quota template. For more information about editing quota template properties, see Edit Quota Template Properties.

Delete Templates

Prompts you for confirmation that you want to delete the selected quota template. If the template was derived from a quota, that quota will not be deleted.

File Screens

Item Details


Opens the File Screen Filter dialog box, where you can select options to limit the display of file screens in the Results pane. To restore the complete list of file screen types and paths: in the File Screen Filter dialog box, select All.

Create File Screen

Opens the Create File Screen dialog box. For more information about creating file screens, see Create a File Screen.

Create File Screen Exception

Opens the Create File Screen Exception dialog box. For more information about creating file screen exceptions, see Create a File Screen Exception.


Refreshes the console details.

Create a Template from File Screen

Opens a Create File Screen Template dialog box that includes the properties of the selected file screen. For more information about creating file screen templates, see Create a File Screen Template.

Edit File Screen Properties

Opens the File Screen Properties (or File Screen Exception Properties) dialog box for the selected file screen (or file screen exception). For more information, see File Screen Properties and File Screen Exception Properties.

Delete File Screens

Prompts you for confirmation that you want to delete the selected file screen (or file screen exception). If the file screen was derived from a template, that template will not be deleted.

File Screen Templates

Item Details

Create File Screen Template

Opens the Create File Screen Template dialog box. For more information about creating file screen templates, see Create a File Screen Template.


Refreshes the console details.

Create File Screen from Template

Opens a Create File Screen dialog box that includes the properties of the selected file screen template. For more information about creating file screens, see Create a File Screen.

Edit Template Properties

Opens the File Screen Template Properties dialog box for the selected file screen template. For more information about editing file screen template properties, see Edit File Screen Template Properties.

Delete Templates

Prompts you for confirmation that you want to delete the selected file screen template. If the file screen template was derived from a file screen, that file screen will not be deleted.

File Groups

Item Details

Create File Group

Opens the Create File Group Properties dialog box. For more information about creating file groups, see Define File Groups for Screening.


Refreshes the console details.

Edit File Group Properties

Opens the File Group Properties dialog box for the selected file group. For more information about editing file group properties, see Define File Groups for Screening.

Delete File Groups

Prompts you for confirmation that you want to delete the selected file group.