Error detection is the process of ensuring that data sent between two network nodes arrives as intended. Error detection mechanisms include the following:
- Checksum
The iSCSI protocol runs on top of TCP/IP, which provides a checksum mechanism to ensure data integrity. However, over unreliable and noisy links, TCP/IP checksum may not be sufficient to detect all error conditions.
- Digests
The iSCSI protocol offers an additional safeguard called digests. Digests use 32-bit cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC). The iSCSI protocol provides error detection using the following:
- Header digests, to ensure the validity of the
header component of the protocol data unit (PDU).
- Data digests, to validate the data segment of
the PDU.
To use header or data digest, or both, enable the appropriate digest on the iSCSI initiator. iSCSI Software Target then automatically uses it for any iSCSI target to which that iSCSI initiator is assigned. This simplifies the configuration of the storage server.
Note Enabling the use of digests will result in a slight increase in CPU utilization due to CRC computation. - Header digests, to ensure the validity of the
header component of the protocol data unit (PDU).