If you previously mounted an iSCSI virtual disk locally on the iSCSI target server but no longer need local access to the disk, you can dismount it. As a result, the virtual disk will no longer appear as a local disk.

Ensure that the disk is not in use before dismounting it. Failure to do so can cause data corruption.

Membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure. Review the details in "Additional considerations" in this topic.

To dismount a locally mounted virtual disk
  1. In Microsoft iSCSI Software Target, in the console tree, click Devices.

  2. In the results pane, right-click the virtual disk you want to dismount locally, point to Disk Access, and then click Dismount.

  3. When prompted to confirm the action, click Yes.

Additional considerations

  • You must be a member of the local Administrators group to perform these tasks.

  • To open iSCSI Software Target, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Microsoft iSCSI Software Target.

  • Another way to open iSCSI Software Target is to click Start, click Run, and then type iscsitarget.msc.

Additional references