The following commands are specific to the routing IP rip context within the Netsh environment.
Add commands
Delete commands
Set commands
Show commands
Netsh commands for routing IP RIP
The following entries provide details for each command.
Displays the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) configuration of a remote access server in script form.
- You can dump the contents of the current configuration to a
file that can be used to restore altered configuration
The following command saves the current configuration as a script in the routingiprip.dmp file.
dump > routingiprip.dmp
add peerfilter
Adds a filter for servers that can be accepted as peers.
add peerfilter
[server=] IPAddress
- [server=] IPAddress
- Required. Specifies, by IP address, the peer server whose traffic you want to filter.
To add a server with IP to the list of RIP routers from which announcements will be processed, type:
add peerfilter server=
add acceptfilter
Adds an acceptance filter for routes received on an interface.
add acceptfilter
[name=] InterfaceName
[addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address is for the low IP address; the second address is for the high IP address, which will be used to build the filter.
To add an acceptance filter for an interface named Local Area Connection for an IP range of to, type:
add acceptfilter name="Local Area Connection"
add announcefilter
Adds a filter for routes announced on an interface.
add announcefilter
[name=] InterfaceName
[addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies the name of an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address is for the low IP address; the second address is for the high IP address, which will be used to build the filter.
To add a filter for routes announced on an interface named Local Area Connection for a range of IP addresses from to, type:
add announcefilter name="Local Area Connection"
add neighbor
Adds a RIP neighbor on an interface.
add neighbor
[name=] InterfaceName
[addr=] IPAddress
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [addr=] IPAddress
- Required. Specifies the IP address of the RIP neighbor you want to add.
To add a RIP neighbor located at an IP address of for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
add neighbor "Local Area Connection"
add interface
Adds RIP to a specified interface.
add interface
[name=] InterfaceName
[[metric=] Integer]
[[updatemode=] {demand | periodic}]
[[announce=] {none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}]
[[accept=] {none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}]
[[expire=] Integer] [[remove=] Integer]
[[update=] Integer]
[[authmode=] {authnone | authsimplepassword}]
[[tag=] Integer]
[[unicast=] {also | only | disable}]
[[accfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
[[annfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
[[password=] Password]
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which to add RIP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [[metric=] Integer]
- Specifies a metric value for routes based on this interface.
- [[updatemode=] {demand | periodic}]
- Specifies when updates will occur. The demand parameter specifies that updates should occur on demand. The periodic parameter specifies that updates should occur at regular intervals.
- [[announce=] {none | rip1| rip1compat | rip2}]
- Specifies which routes should be announced. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be announced. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be announced. The rip1compat parameter specifies that announcements should be made in RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be announced.
- [[accept=] {none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}]
- Specifies which routes should be accepted. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be accepted. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be accepted. The rip1compat parameter specifies that routes should be accepted in RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be accepted.
- [[expire=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, the route expiration interval.
- [[remove=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, the route removal interval.
- [[update=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, the full update interval.
- [[authMode=] {authnone | authsimplepassword}]
- Specifies whether authorization should be required. The authnone parameter specifies that no authorization should be required. The authsimplepassword parameter specifies that password authorization should be required.
- [[tag=] Integer
- Specifies the route tag.
- [[unicast=] {also | only | disable}]
- Specifies the unicast mode. The also parameter specifies use also unicast mode. The only parameter specifies use only unicast mode. The disable parameter specifies that unicast mode should be disabled.
- [[accfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
- Specifies whether acceptance filters should be included or disabled. The include parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that acceptance filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be disabled.
- [[annfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
- Specifies whether announcement filters should be included or disabled. The include parameter specifies that announcement filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that announcement filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that announcement filters should be disabled.
- [[password=] Password]
- Specifies a plaintext password no longer than 16 characters.
To enable and configure RIP on the interface named Local Area Connection using RIP configuration default settings, type:
add interface "Local Area Connection"
delete peerfilter
Deletes a filter for an accepted peer server.
delete peerfilter
[server=] IPAddress
- [server=] IPAddress
- Required. Specifies, by IP address, the peer server whose traffic you do not want to filter.
To remove a server with IP from the list of RIP routers from which announcements will be processed, type:
delete peerfilter server=
delete acceptfilter
Deletes an acceptance filter for routes received on a specified interface.
delete acceptfilter
[name=] InterfaceName
[addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address is for the low IP address; the second address is for the high IP address, which will be used to build the filter.
To delete an acceptance filter for the IP ranges of to on an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete acceptfilter "Local Area Connection"
delete announcefilter
Deletes an announcement filter set for an interface.
delete announcefilter
[name=] InterfaceName
[addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies the name of an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
- Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address specifies the low IP address; the second address specifies the high IP address, which will be used to build the filter.
To delete an announcement filter for the IP range to for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete announcefilter "Local Area Connection"
delete neighbor
Deletes a RIP neighbor from an interface.
delete neighbor
[name=] InterfaceNameIPAddress
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- IPAddress
- Required. Specifies, by IP address, the RIP neighbor to delete.
To delete a RIP neighbor located at for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete neighbor name="Local Area Connection"
delete interface
Removes RIP from the specified interface.
delete interface
[name=] InterfaceName
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, an interface from which you want to remove RIP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
To remove RIP from the interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete interface "Local Area Connection"
set interface
Configures RIP on a specified interface.
set interface
[name=] InterfaceName
[[metric=] Integer]
[[updatemode=] {demand | periodic}]
[[announce=] {none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}]
[[accept=] {none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}]
[[expire=] Integer]
[[remove=] Integer]
[[update=] Integer]
[[authmode=] {authnone | authsimplepassword}]
[[tag=] Integer] [[unicast=] {also | only | disable}]
[[accfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
[[annfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
[[password=] Password]
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which to configure RIP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [[metric=] Integer]
- Specifies a metric value for routes based on this interface.
- [[updatemode=] {demand | periodic}]
- Specifies when updates should occur. The demand parameter specifies that updates should occur on demand. The periodic parameter specifies that updates should occur at regular intervals.
- [[announce=] { none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}]
- Specifies which routes should be announced. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be announced. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be announced. The rip1compat parameter specifies that announcements should be made in RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be announced.
- [[accept=] {none | rip1 | rip1compat| rip2}]
- Specifies which routes should be accepted. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be accepted. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be accepted. The rip1compat parameter specifies that acceptance should occur by using the RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be accepted.
- [[expire=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how much time should elapse before the route expires.
- [[remove=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how much time should elapse before the route is removed.
- [[update=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often full updates occur.
- [[authmode=] {authnone | authsimplepassword}]
- Specifies whether authorization should be required. The authnone parameter specifies that no authorization should be required. The authsimplepassword parameter specifies that password authorization should be required.
- [[tag=] Integer]
- Specifies the route tag.
- [[unicast=] {also | only | disable}]
- Specifies the unicast mode. The also parameter specifies use also unicast mode. The only parameter specifies use only unicast mode. The disable parameter specifies that unicast mode should be disabled.
- [[accfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
- Specifies whether acceptance filters should be included. The include parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that acceptance filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be disabled.
- [[annfiltmode=] {include | exclude | disable}]
- Specifies whether announcement filters should be included or disabled. The include parameter specifies that announcement filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that announcement filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that announcement filters should be disabled.
- [[password=] String]
- Specifies a plaintext password no longer than 16 characters long.
To modify the RIP configuration on the interface named Local Area Connection, specifying a metric value of 2 and that updates should occur on demand, type:
set interface name="Local Area Connection" metric=2 updatemode=periodic
set flags
Sets RIP-related flags for a specified interface.
set flags
[name=] InterfaceName
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which to set flags. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [flag=] [clear] [splithorizon] [poisonreverse] [triggeredupdates] [cleanupupdates] [accepthostroutes] [acceptdefaultroutes] [senddefaultroutes] [nosubnetsummary]
- Specifies policies for RIP-related flags. The clear parameter specifies that all set RIP flags should be cleared. The splithorizon parameter specifies that RIP for split horizon should be enabled. The poisonreverse parameter specifies that RIP for poison reverse should be enabled. The triggeredupdates parameter specifies that RIP triggered updates should occur. The cleanupupdates parameter specifies that cleanup updates for RIP should occur. The accepthostroutes parameter specifies that host routes should be accepted. The acceptdefaultroutes parameter specifies that default routes should be accepted. The senddefaultroutes parameter specifies that default routes should be sent. The nosubnetsummary parameter specifies that subnet summarization should not occur.
- Multiple flag values can be specified in a comma separated
To set RIP-related flags for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
set flags name="Local Area Connection" splithorizon,accepthostroutes
set global
Sets global RIP parameters.
set global
{[[loglevel=] {none | error | warn | info}] | [[mintrig=] Integer] | [[peermode=] {include | exclude | disable}]}
- {[[loglevel=] {none | error | warn | info}]
- Specifies which RIP events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no RIP events should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to RIP should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to RIP should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to RIP should be logged.
- [[mintrig=] Integer]
- Specifies, in minutes, the minimum amount of time that should elapse between triggers.
- [[peermode=] { include | exclude | disable}]}
- Specifies whether peers should be included and whether peer mode should be disabled. The include parameter specifies that peers should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that peers should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that peer mode should be disabled.
To configure global RIP parameters to specify no RIP event logging, 10 minutes between triggers, and with peer mode disabled, type:
set global none 10 disable
show interface
Shows RIP configuration for the specified interface. Used without parameters, show interface displays configuration information for all interfaces.
show interface
[[name=] InterfaceName]
- [[name=] InterfaceName]
- Specifies, by name, the interface whose information you want to display. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
show flags
Displays RIP flags set for a specified interface. Used without parameters, show flags displays information for all interfaces.
show flags
[[name=] InterfaceName]
- [[name=] InterfaceName]
- Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
show global
Shows RIP global parameters.
show global
show ifstats
Displays RIP statistics for a specified interface. Used without parameters, show ifstats displays information once for all interfaces.
show ifstats
[[index=] Integer]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[index=] Integer]
- Specifies, by index number, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
- To list the index value for each interface, use the show
interface command in the Netsh Interface IP context.
To display RIP statistics every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1, type:
show ifstats index=1 rr=5
show ifbinding
Displays RIP interface IP address binding. Used without parameters, show ifbinding displays information once for all interfaces.
show ifbinding
[[index=] Integer]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[index=] Integer]
- Specifies, by index number, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
- To list the index value for each interface, use the show
interface command in the Netsh Interface IP context.
To display the bindings every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1, type:
show ifbinding index=1 rr=5
show globalstats
Displays RIP global statistics.
show globalstats
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display RIP global statistics which refreshes at the rate of every 5 seconds, type:
show globalstats rr=5
show neighbor
Displays RIP peer statistics.
show neighbor
[[index=] Integer]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[index=] Integer]
- Specifies, by index number, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display the bindings for IP address at a refresh rate of every 5 seconds, type:
show neighbor index= rr=5