The following commands are specific to the routing IP IGMP context within the Netsh environment.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
Add commands
Delete commands
Set commands
Show commands
- show global
- show grouptable
- show ifstats
- show iftable
- show interface
- show proxygrouptable
- show rasgrouptable
Netsh commands for routing IP IGMP
The following entries provide details for each command.
Displays the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) configuration of a remote access server in script form.
- You can dump the contents of the current configuration to a
file that can be used to restore altered configuration
The following is the command to save the current configuration as a script in the routingipigmp.dmp file.
dump > routingipigmp.dmp
add interface
Configures IGMP on the specified interface.
add interface
[name=] InterfaceName
[[igmpprototype=] {igmprtrv1 | igmprtrv2 | igmprtrv3 | igmpproxy}]
[[ifenabled=] {enable | disable}]
[[robustvar=] Integer]
[[genqueryinterval=] Integer]
[[genqueryresptime=] Integer]
[[startupquerycount=] Integer]
[[startupqueryinterval=] Integer]
[[lastmemquerycount=] Integer]
[[lastmemqueryinterval= Integer]
[[accnonrtralertpkts=] {yes | no}]
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies the name of the interface on which you want to configure IGMP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [[igmpprototype=] {igmprtrv1 | igmprtrv2 | igmprtrv3| igmpproxy}]
- Specifies the type of protocol to be configured on the interface. The default type is igmprtrv2.
- [[ifenabled=] {enable | disable}]
- Specifies whether the protocol you are configuring should be enabled or disabled. The default is enabled.
- [[robustvar=]= Integer]
- Specifies the robustness variable. The value should be greater than zero (0). The default value is 2.
- [[genqueryinterval=] Integer]
- Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which general queries should be sent on the interface. The default value is 125 seconds.
- [[genqueryresptime=] Integer]
- Specifies the maximum response time, in seconds, by which hosts should respond to a general query. The default value is 10 seconds.
- [[startupquerycount=] Integer]
- Specifies the number of general queries that will be sent during startup. The default value is 2.
- [[startupqueryinterval=] Integer]
- Specifies the interval, in seconds, between general queries sent during startup. The default value is 31 seconds.
- [[lastmemquerycount=] Integer]
- Specifies the number of group-specific queries sent when notice of a host leaving the group is received. The default value is 2.
- [[lastmemqueryinterval=] Integer]
- Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, between group-specific queries. The default value is 1000 milliseconds.
- [[accnonrtralertpkts=] {yes | no}]
- Specifies whether to accept IGMP packets that might not have the router alert option set. The default is yes.
To modify the default startup query interval to 21 seconds for use with IGMP configuration of the interface named Local Area Connection, type:
add interface "Local Area Connection" startupqueryinterval=21
Installs an IGMP router/proxy and sets global logging. Used without parameters, install installs the IGMP router/proxy and specifies that errors related to IGMP are logged but that no other IGMP-related events are logged.
[[loglevel=] {none | error | warn | info}]
- [loglevel=] {none | error | warn| info}
- Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies no events related to IGMP should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to IGMP should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to IGMP should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to IGMP should be logged.
delete interface
Removes an IGMP router or proxy from the specified interface.
delete interface
[name=] InterfaceName
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies, by name, an interface from which you want to remove an IGMP router or proxy. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
To remove an IGMP proxy or router from an interface named Local Area connection, type:
delete interface "Local Area Connection"
Removes IGMP router/proxy from all interfaces.
set interface
Changes interface configuration parameters.
set interface
[name=] InterfaceName
[[igmpprototype=] {igmprtrv1 | igmprtrv2 | igmprtrv3 | igmpproxy}] [[ifenabled=] {enable | disable}]
[[robustvar=] Integer]
[[genqueryinterval=] Integer]
[[genqueryresptime=] Integer]
[[startupquerycount=] Integer]
[[startupqueryinterval=] Integer]
[[lastmemquerycount=] Integer]
[[lastmemqueryinterval=] Integer]
[[accnonrtralertpkts=] {yes | no}]
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Required. Specifies the name of the interface on which you want to configure IGMP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [[igmpprototype=] {igmprtrv1 | igmprtrv2 | igmprtrv3 | igmpproxy}]
- Specifies the type of protocol to be configured on the interface. The default type is igmprtrv2.
- [[ifenabled=] {enable | disable}]
- Specifies whether the protocol you are configuring should be enabled or disabled. The default is enabled.
- [[robustvar=] Integer]
- Specifies the robustness variable. The value should be greater than zero (0). The default value is 2.
- [[genqueryinterval=] Integer]
- Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which general queries should be sent on the interface. The default value is 125 seconds.
- [[genqueryresptime=] Integer]
- Specifies the maximum response time, in seconds, by which hosts should respond to a general query. The default value is 10 seconds.
- [[startupquerycount=] Integer]
- Specifies the number of general queries that will be sent during startup. The default value is 2.
- [[startupqueryinterval=] Integer]
- Specifies the interval, in seconds, between general queries sent during startup. The default value is 31 seconds.
- [[lastmemquerycount=] Integer]
- Specifies the number of group-specific queries sent when notice of a host leaving the group is received. The default value is 2.
- [[lastmemqueryinterval=] Integer]
- Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, between group-specific queries. The default value is 1,000 milliseconds.
- [[accnonrtralertpkts=] {yes | no}]
- Specifies whether to accept IGMP packets that do not have the router alert option set. The default is to accept those packets.
To modify the default startup query interval to 21 seconds for use with IGMP configuration of an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
set interface "Local Area Connection" startupqueryinterval=21
set global
Sets IGMP global parameters. Used without parameters, set global specifies that warnings are logged but that no other events related to IGMP are logged.
set global
[loglevel=] {none | error | warn | info}
- [loglevel=] {none | error | warn | info}
- Required. Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no events related to IGMP should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to IGMP should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to IGMP should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to IGMP should be logged.
To specify that no events related to IGMP should be logged, type:
set global loglevel=none
show interface
Displays the IGMP configuration of the specified interface. Used without parameters, show interface displays IGMP configuration information for all interfaces.
show interface
[name=] InterfaceName
- [name=] InterfaceName
- Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
show global
Displays the global IGMP parameters.
show global
show ifstats
Displays IGMP statistics for the specified interface. Used without parameters, show ifstats shows IGMP statistics once for all interfaces.
show ifstats
[[index=] Integer]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[index=] Integer]
- Specifies a number identifying the interface for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To show IGMP statistics every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1001, type:
show ifstats index=1001 rr=5
show iftable
Shows IGMP host groups for a specified interface. Used without parameters, show iftable shows IGMP host groups for all interfaces once.
show iftable
[[index=] Integer]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[index=] Integer]
- Specifies, by index number, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To show IGMP host groups every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1001, type:
show iftable index=1001 rr=5
show grouptable
Shows the IGMP hosts group table for a multicast group. Used without parameters, show grouptable shows the IGMP hosts group tables once for all multicast groups on all interfaces associated with the router.
show grouptable
[[index=] Integer]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[index=] Integer]
- Specifies, by IP address, the multicast group for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display the IGMP hosts group table every 5 seconds for an IGMP multicast group identified by the IP address of, type:
show grouptable index= rr=5
show rasgrouptable
Displays the hosts group table for a remote access client interface. Used without parameters, show rasgrouptable displays the hosts group tables once for all remote access client interfaces.
show rasgrouptable
[[index=] IPAddress]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[index=] IPAddress]
- Specifies, by IP address, the remote access client interface for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display the hosts group table for a remote access client interface with an IP address of and to refresh the information every five seconds, type:
show rasgrouptable index= rr=5
show proxygrouptable
Displays the IGMP hosts group table for an IGMP proxy interface. Used without parameters, show proxygrouptable displays information for all interfaces one time.
show proxygrouptable
[[name=] InterfaceName]
[[rr=] Integer]
- [[name=] InterfaceName]
- Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [[rr=] Integer]
- Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display IGMP hosts group tables for all IGMP proxy interfaces and to refresh the information every five seconds, type:
show proxygrouptable rr=5