The netsh interface TCP context contains the following commands:
- add chimneyapplication
- add chimneyport
- delete chimneyapplication
- delete chimneyport
- reset
- set global
- show chimneyapplications
- show chimneyports
- show global
Interface TCP commands
The following sections provide details for each command.
add chimneyapplication
Sets the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) chimney state for a particular application.
add chimneyapplication [ state= ] disabled | enabled [ application= ] PathName
- state
- Required. Specifies one of the following values: disabled: Disables TCP chimney offload for application. enabled: Enables TCP chimney offload for application. Applies to new connections only.
- application
- Required. Specifies the application name and path.
Following are two examples of the add chimneyapplication command.
add chimneyapplication disabled c:\path\database.exe
add chimneyapplication state=disabled application=c:\path\database.exe
add chimneyport
Sets the TCP chimney state for a source port, destination port pair.
add chimneyport [ state= ] disabled | enabled [ localport= ] *| Integer [ remoteport= ] *| Integer
- state
- Required. Specifies one of the following values: disabled: Disables TCP chimney offload for the local port, remote port pair. enabled: Enables TCP chimney offload for the local port, remote port pair. Applies to new connections only.
- localport
- Required. Specifies the source port. An asterisk (*) specifies all ports. To specify a specific port number, provide a value for Integer.
- remoteport
- Required. Specifies the destination port. An asterisk (*) specifies all ports. To specify a specific port number, provide a value for Integer.
Following are two examples of the add chimneyport command.
add chimneyport disabled 10000 *
add chimneyport state=disabled localport=10000 remoteport=*
delete chimneyapplication
Deletes the application from the TCP chimney offload selection table.
delete chimneyapplication [application=] ApplicationName
- application
- Required. Specifies the application name and path.
Following are two examples of the delete chimneyapplication command.
delete chimneyapplication c:\path\database.exe
delete chimneyapplication application=c:\path\database.exe
delete chimneyport
Deletes the port entry from the TCP chimney offload selection table
delete chimneyport [ localport= ] *| Integer [ remoteport= ] *| Integer
- localport
- Required. Specifies the source port. An asterisk (*) specifies all ports. To specify a specific port number, provide a value for Integer.
- remoteport
- Required. Specifies the destination port. An asterisk (*) specifies all ports. To specify a specific port number, provide a value for Integer.
Following are two examples of the delete chimneyport command.
delete chimneyport 80 *
delete chimneyport localport=80 remoteport=*
Removes all user configured settings and resets all TCP parameters to their default values.
set global
Sets TCP parameters that affect all connections.
set global [ [ rss= ] disabled | enabled |default ] [ [ chimney= ] disabled | enabled | default ] [ [ autotuninglevel= ] disabled | highlyrestricted | restricted | normal |experimental ] [ [ congestionprovider= ] none |ctcp |default ] [ [ ecncapability= ] disabled | enabled | default ] [ [ timestamps= ] disabled | enabled | default ]
- rss
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
disabled: Disable receive-side scaling.
enabled : Enable receive-side scaling.
default : Restore receive-side scaling state to the system default.
- Chimney
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
disabled: Disable Chimney offload.
enabled : Enable Chimney offload.
default : Restore Chimney offload state to the system default.
- autotuninglevel
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
disabled: Fix the receive window at its default value.
highlyrestricted: Allow the receive window to grow beyond its default value, but do so very conservatively.
restricted: Allow the receive window to grow beyond its default value, but limit such growth in some scenarios.
normal: Allow the receive window to grow to accommodate almost all scenarios.
experimental: Allow the receive window to grow to accommodate extreme scenarios. WARNING: This can dramatically degrade performance in common scenarios and should only be used for research purposes.
- congestionprovider
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
none: Use the built-in standard congestion control algorithm.
ctcp: Use the add-on Compound TCP congestion control algorithm.
default: Restore the selected provider to the system default.
- ecncapability
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
disabled: Disable ECN Capability.
enabled: Enable ECN Capability.
default: Restore ECN Capability state to the system default.
- timestamps
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
disabled: Disable RFC 1323 timestamps.
enabled: Enable RFC 1323 timestamps.
default: Restore RFC 1323 timestamps state to the system default.
Following are two examples of the set global command.
set global enabled enabled normal
set global rss=enabled chimney=enabled autotuninglevel=normal
show chimneyapplications
Shows TCP Chimney application filters.
show chimneyapplications [ [ level= ] normal | verbose ]
- level
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
normal: Display the TCP connect IPv4 filters in the TCP chimney offload table. This is the default value.
verbose: Display filters for all events in the TCP chimney offload table.
show chimneyports
Shows TCP Chimney port filters.
show chimneyports [ [ level= ] normal | verbose ]
- level
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
normal: Display the TCP connect IPv4 filters in the TCP chimney offload table. This is the default value.
verbose: Display filters for all events in the TCP chimney offload table.
show global
Shows TCP parameters that affect all connections.
show global [ [ store= ] active | persistent ] ]
- store
- Optional. Specifies one of the following values:
active: Show information in the stack (default).
persistent: Show persistent information.