This dialog box is disabled by default and appears only on the Diagnostics tab of the Message Queuing properties of a domain-joined computer that runs this version of Windows. To enable route tracking, see Enable route tracking and test messages (

Item Details

Path name of report queue:

Provides a space for you to type the path of the queue that can receive messages used for route tracking, in the format computer_name\queue_name.


Creates a new queue that can receive messages used for route tracking.

Track all messages

Tracks all messages sent from the selected computer.

When message route tracking is enabled for a computer, all messages sent from the computer are tracked as they are routed through your network. As each message passes through an intermediate Message Queuing server, a message is sent to the report queue on the source computer, indicating which server the message passed through.

After message route tracking is enabled, you can send test messages and view the contents of the report queue.

Track only test message

Tracks only those test messages sent from the selected computer.