Item Details


Displays the queue label.

Type ID

Displays the queue-type ID, which specifies the type of service or function provided by the queue.

Limit message storage to (KB)

Specifies whether to activate the message quota for the selected queue.

Provides a space for you to type the total size of all messages (in kilobytes) that can be stored in the queue.

When the message storage-size limit for the queue is reached, messages cannot be sent to the queue until the cumulative size of all messages in the queue drops below the specified limit.


Specifies whether the queue accepts only authenticated messages.

Privacy level

Displays the privacy level for the queue according to whether it accepts messages that are encrypted, unencrypted, or both. For the queue to accept both encrypted and unencrypted messages, click Optional. For the queue to accept only encrypted messages, click Body. For the queue to accept only unencrypted messages, click None.


Specifies whether target journaling is enabled for the queue.

Limit journal storage to (KB)

Specifies whether to activate the journal message quota for the selected queue.

Provides a space for you to type the total size of all journal messages (in kilobytes) that can be stored in the queue.

When the journal storage-size limit for the queue is reached, target journaling ceases until the cumulative size of all journal messages in the journal queue drops below the specified limit.