Topic Last Modified: 2007-01-30

Use the Advanced dialog box to add, remove, or edit IP addresses and TCP port numbers for this SMTP virtual server. Each virtual server is identified by its IP address and TCP port combination. You can define additional IP addresses to which this SMTP virtual server responds. Users can connect to the SMTP virtual server by using any of the defined IP addresses. The following options in the Advanced dialog box let you configure multiple identities for this virtual server or modify the existing identities.

Option Description


This option lists each IP address that are assigned to this SMTP virtual server, and the TCP port of each address. Users can connect to the SMTP virtual server by using any of the IP addresses listed.


Click Add to open the Identification dialog box, add a new IP address and select a TCP port number for it on this SMTP virtual server.


Select an entry from the Address table and then select Edit to open the Identification dialog and modify the IP address, TCP port number, or both.


Select an entry from the Address table and then click Remove to delete the IP address that you have selected.