Use the Add Module Mapping and Edit Module Mapping dialog boxes to add new or edit existing module mappings on the Web server. You can map a specific file or file name extension to a native module on the Web server, so that when a user requests the file or a file that has the specified extension, the module will process the request. For example, IIS 7 maps all requests for .asp files to IsapiModule, so that module is called when a user requests a file that has the .asp file name extension.

UI Element List

Element Name Description

Request path

Type a file name extension or file name with an extension for which you want the handler to process requests. For example, if you want the handler to process all requests made for files with the extension .abc, enter *.abc; or if you want the handler to run all requests made for a specific file, enter the file name and its extension, such as


Select the module that you want to process requests for resources specified in the Request path box.

Executable (optional)

Optionally, type a path to the .dll or .exe file when the module you selected in the Module box requires an executable to run, such as the FastCGI module.


After you click OK to add or save the handler mapping, the executable must be added to the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions list to enable it to run.

If you specify a .exe file, you can also type optional command-line parameters after the path. Command-line parameters are not supported for .dll files.


If you specify a path for a .exe file, and the path contains spaces, you must enclose the path with double quotation marks ("). For example, type "c:\files\handler files\handler.exe". This is not required for .dll files.


Type a descriptive friendly name for the handler mapping.

Request Restrictions

Opens the Request Restrictions dialog box from which you can specify additional, optional restrictions for the mapping.

See Also