Use the ASP properties page to manage a list of ASP (Classic) configuration settings.

Use the Display list to select one of the following options that specifies how the settings are displayed: Friendly Names, Configuration Names, or Both Names.

UI Element List

The following tables describe the UI elements that are available on the feature page and in the Actions pane.

Feature Page Elements

Element Name Description

Code Page [codePage]

Specifies the default code page for an ASP application.

Enable Buffering [bufferingOn]

Specifies whether output from an ASP application will be buffered. The default is True.

Enable Chunked Encoding [enableChunkedEncoding]

Specifies whether HTTP 1.1 chunked transfer encoding is enabled for the World Wide Web publishing service (WWW service). The default is True.

Enable HTML Fallback [enableAspHtmlFallback]

Controls the behavior of ASP when the request queue is full. When set to True, ASP will search for an HTML file that has _asp added to the file name and return the file if found. For example, if the name of the requested .asp file is Hello.asp, the name of the .htm file that is returned will be Hello_asp.htm. If the file does not exist, a 500.13 (Server too busy) HTTP error will be returned to the client. This error will also be returned if the value is set to False. The default value for this attribute is True.

Enable Parent Paths [enableParentPaths]

Specifies whether an ASP page allows paths relative to the current directory (using the "...\" notation) or above the current directory. The default is False.

Client Connection Test Interval [queueConnectionTestTime]

Specifies the period of time that a request should be queued. If the request is queued longer than the time specified, ASP checks to determine whether the client is still connected before running the request. If the client is no longer connected, the request is not processed and is deleted from the queue. The default is 00:00:03 seconds.

Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit [maxRequestEntityAllowed]

Specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the entity-body of an ASP request. The default is 200000 bytes.

Queue Length [requestQueueMax]

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent ASP requests that are permitted in the queue. The default is 3000.

Request Queue Time-out [queueTimeout]

Specifies the period of time that an ASP script request is allowed to wait in the queue. The default is 00:00:00 (infinite).

Response Buffering Limit [bufferingLimit]

Sets the maximum size of the ASP buffer. If response buffering is turned on, this property controls the maximum number of bytes that an ASP page can write to the response buffer before a flush occurs. The default is 4194304 bytes.

Script Time-out [scriptTimeout]

Specifies the default length of time that ASP pages allow a script to run before attempting to stop the script and writing an event to the Windows event log. The default is 00:01:30 minutes.

Threads Per Processor Limit [processorThreadMax]

Specifies the maximum number of worker threads per processor that IIS can create to run ASP requests. The default is 25.

Locale ID [lcid]

Sets the default locale identifier (LCID) for an application. LCIDs define how dates, times, and currencies are formatted. The default is 1033, which represents US English (en-us).

Restart On Config Change [enableApplicationRestart]

Determines whether an ASP application can be automatically restarted when a change is made to critical configuration properties of that application. The default is True.

Calculate Line Numbers [calcLineNumber]

Specifies whether ASP should calculate and store the line number of each executed line of code in order to provide that number in an error report. The default is True.

Catch COM Component Exceptions [exceptionCatchEnable]

Specifies whether ASP pages trap exceptions thrown by components. If set to False, the ASP page does not catch exceptions thrown by the component. This can lead to the exception being handled by some other layer of the process, such as VB Script or the IIS worker process (which typically ends the worker process). The default is True.

Enable Client-side Debugging [appAllowClientDebug]

Specifies whether ASP client-side debugging is enabled. The default is False.

Enable Log Error Requests [logErrorRequests]

Controls whether the Web server writes ASP errors to the application section of the Windows event log. By default, ASP errors are written to the client browser and to the IIS log files. The default is True.

Enable Server-side Debugging [appAllowDebugging]

Specifies whether ASP debugging is enabled on the server. The default is False.

Log Errors to NT Log [errorsToNTLog]

Specifies which ASP errors are written to the Windows event log. By default, ASP errors are written to the client browser and to the IIS log files. The default is False.

Run On End Functions Anonymously [runOnEndAnonymously]

Specifies whether the SessionOnEnd and ApplicationOnEnd global ASP functions should be run as the anonymous user. If set to False, the functions are not run. The default is True.

Script Error Message [scriptErrorMessage]

Specifies the error message to send to the browser if specific debugging errors are not sent to the client. The default message sent is "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator."

Send Errors To Browser [scriptErrorSentToBrowser]

Specifies whether the Web server writes debugging specifics (file name, error, line number, description) to the client browser in addition to logging them to the IIS request log. The default is True.

Script Language [scriptLanguage]

Specifies the default script language for all ASP applications that are running on the Web server. The default is VBScript.

Cache Directory Path [diskTemplateCacheDirectory]

Contains the name of the directory that ASP uses to store compiled ASP templates to disk after overflow of the in-memory cache. The default is systemroot\inetpub\temp\ASP Compiled Templates.

Enable Type Library Caching [enableTypelibCache]

Specifies whether type libraries are cached on the server. The default is True.

Maximum Disk Cached Files [maxDiskTemplateCacheFiles]

Specifies the maximum number of compiled ASP templates that can be stored. The default is 2000.

Maximum Memory Cached Files [scriptFileCacheSize]

Specifies the number of precompiled script files to cache. If set to 0, no script files are cached. If set to 4291967295, all the requested script files are cached. This property is used to tune performance depending on the amount of available memory and the amount of script file traffic. The default is 500.

Maximum Script Engines Cached [scriptEngineCacheMax]

Specifies the maximum number of scripting engines that ASP pages will keep cached in memory. The default is 250.

Enable Side by Side Component [appServiceFlags]

Enables COM+ side-by-side assemblies, which allow ASP applications to specify which version of a system DLL or COM component to use. The default is False.

Enable Tracker [appServiceFlags]

Enables COM+ tracker, which then lets administrators or developers debug ASP applications. The default is False.

Execute In MTA [executeInMta]

Specifies whether ASP can run scripts in a multithreaded compartment. The default is False.

Honor Component Threading Model [trackThreadingModel]

Specifies whether IIS examines the threading model of any components that your application creates. The default is False.

Partition ID [partitionID]

Set this property to the GUID of the COM+ partition. When this property is defined, set the Use Partition element to True.

Side By Side Component [sxsName]

Set this property to the name of the COM+ application. When this property is defined, set the Enable Side by Side Component element to True.

Use Partition [appServiceFlags]

Isolates applications into their own COM+ partitions. When this property is set to True, you must define a value for the Partition ID element. The default is False.

Enable Session State [allowSessionState]

Enables session state persistence for the ASP application. The default is True.

Maximum Sessions [max]

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that IIS will allow. The default is 2147483647.

New ID On Secure Connection [keepSessionIdSecure]

Generates a new cookie when a transition from a non-secure to a secure connection is made. The default is True.

Time-out [timeout]

Specifies how long a session object is maintained after the last request associated with the object is made. The default is 00:20:00.

Actions Pane Elements

Element Name Description


Saves the changes that you have made on the feature page.


Cancels the changes that you have made on the feature page.

See Also