Use the .NET Compilation properties page to manage ASP.NET application code configuration settings.

Use the Display list to select one of the following options that specifies how the settings are displayed: Friendly Names, Configuration Names, or Both Names.

UI Element List

The following tables describe the UI elements that are available on the feature page and in the Actions pane.

Feature Page Elements

Element Name Description

Batch Compilations [batch]

Indicates whether batch processing is supported. The default is True.

Maximum File Size [maxBatchGeneratedFileSize]

Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of the generated source files per batched compilation. The default is 1000 KB.

Maximum Size of Batch [maxBatchSize]

Specifies the maximum number of pages per batched compilation. The default is 1000.

Time-out (hh:mm:ss)[batchTimeout]

Indicates the time-out period for batch compilation. If compilation cannot be completed in the time-out period, the compiler reverts to single compilation mode for the current page. The default is 00:15:00 (15 minutes).

Debug [debug]

Specifies whether release or debug binaries will be used for compilation. When true, debug binaries will be used for compilation. The default value is false.

Number of Recompiles [numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart]

Indicates the number of dynamic recompiles of resources that can occur before the application restarts. The default is 15.

Url Line Pragmas [urlLinePragmas]

Specifies whether instructions to the compiler use physical paths or URLs. When true, URLs will be used for the compiler instructions instead of physical paths. The default value is false.

Explicit Compile Option [explicit]

Specifies whether to set the Microsoft Visual Basic explicit compile option. If True, all variables must be declared by using a Dim, Private, Public, or ReDim statement. The default is True.

Strict Compile Option [strict]

Specifies whether to enable the Visual Basic strict compile option. When true, compilation explicitly disallows any data-type conversions in which data loss would occur, and any conversion between numeric types and strings. The default value is false.

Assemblies [assemblies]

Defines the set of assemblies, from the \bin folder or from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), which is referenced during compilation. The GAC stores .NET assemblies specifically designated to be shared by several applications on the computer. Use an asterisk ("*") to include every assembly in the directory.

Default Language [defaultLanguage]

Specifies the default programming language, such as C# or VB.NET, to use in dynamic compilation files. The default programming language is vb, which specifies VB.NET as the default programming language.

Code Sub Directories [codeSubDirectories]

Defines subdirectories that contain files that are compiled at run time. You can have any number of subdirectories.

Temporary Directory [tempDirectory]

Specifies the directory to use for temporary file storage during compilation. The default is an empty string that puts temporary files in a location under the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory.

Actions Pane Elements

Element Name Description


Saves the changes that you have made on the feature page.


Cancels the changes that you have made on the feature page.

See Also