Use the Add Allow Authorization Rule, the Edit Allow Authorization Rule, the Add Deny Authorization Rule, or the Edit Deny Authorization Rule dialog box to define rules for access to content.


Microsoft Windows authorization rules specify that if a user has been denied access, the Deny rule takes precedence over all other rules.

UI Element List

Element Name Description

All users

Select this option to manage access to content for both anonymous and authenticated users.


Be sure to position this rule underneath any rules that grant access to content. If this rule is at the top of the rules list, all users will be denied access to content.

All anonymous users

Select this option to manage access to content for users who are not authenticated.


If you use this rule, all users must have a valid basic or custom authentication user account and password to be able to authenticate.

Specified roles or user groups

Select this option to manage access to content for specific Microsoft Windows roles or user groups.


If you use this rule, all members of the specified roles and groups must have a valid basic or custom authentication user account and password to be able to authenticate.

Specified users

Select this option to manage access to content for a specific user account.


If you use this option, all users must have a valid basic or custom authentication user account and password to be able to authenticate.


Specifies whether the specified users have read permissions.


Specifies whether the specified users have write permissions.


When you configure your FTP authorization settings, you should also configure your FTP authentication settings.

See Also