Use the Shared Configuration feature page to share IIS configuration files and encryption keys between one or more IIS servers. You can also use this page to remove a computer from a group that was set up to share configuration settings.

UI Element List

The following tables describe the UI elements that are available on the feature page and in the Actions pane.

Feature Page Elements

Element Name Description

Enable shared configuration

Configures IIS to use shared configuration files.


You must exit and restart IIS Manager after enabling or disabling this option.

Physical path

Describes the location from which to read configuration files and encryption keys. This can be a network path or a folder on the local computer.

User name

Specifies the user name IIS should use to access the location for configuration file storage.


Specifies the password needed to authenticate the user name that IIS uses to access the location for configuration file storage.

Confirm password

Specifies that the user must retype the password.

Actions Pane Elements

Element Name Description


Saves the changes that you have made on the feature page.


Cancels the changes that you have made on the feature page.

Export Configuration

Opens the Export Configuration dialog box to export IIS configuration files and encryption keys between one or more IIS servers.

See Also