Use this tab to identify the data source, the table within that data source (if applicable), and the access to that data source, meaning the user name and password. A data source can be any ODBC-compliant file, such as a database or comma-delimited file.
- Use this tab to set ODBC logging options.
Before you can begin ODBC logging from IIS, do the following:
- Use ODBC-compliant database software (such as
Microsoft® Access or Microsoft SQL® Server) to create a
- Within the database, create a table
containing the fields listed at the end of this topic.
- Create a Data Source Name (DSN). For more
information, see Windows Server 2003 family Help.
- Supply IIS with the DSN and Table name by
using this dialog box.
- If required, supply a user name and password
for accessing the database.
ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)
Type the name of the data source to which you want to connect. When created, this name is recorded in the ODBC Data Source Administrator, which is accessed through Administrative Tools.
Type the name of the table in the ODBC Data Source specified above.
User Name
Type the alias of the user permitted to access this data source and table.
Type the password associated with the user name specified above.
Related Topics
To learn more about ODBC logging and logging site activity, see the IIS 6.0 online documentation on the Microsoft Windows Server TechCenter.