Use this tab to set debugging options for Active Server Pages (ASP) that run in the currently selected application.
You can set two types of debugging flags that enable server-side and client-side script debugging. You can use the Microsoft® Script Debugger to troubleshoot ASP scripts while those scripts are being processed. Enabling ASP server-side debugging forces ASP to run in single-threaded mode. For performance reasons, ASP server-side or client-side debugging is not recommended in a production environment.
You can control when and what error messages are sent to the browser when an error is encountered in your ASP scripts. You can configure Internet Information Services (IIS) to send detailed error messages that contain specific debugging information (including the file name, error message, and line number) to the browser so that you can easily analyze the output. You can also configure IIS to send a default error message to the browser when any error prevents the Web server from processing the ASP page. A specific error message is written to the error log. Additionally, you can change the default error message by typing a message in the text box.
Enable ASP server-side script debugging
Select to enable the Web server to invoke the Microsoft Script Debugger while processing ASP pages.
Enable ASP client-side script debugging
Select to enable the client to invoke the Microsoft Script Debugger while processing ASP pages.
Send detailed ASP error messages to client
Click to enable IIS to send specific debugging information (including the file name, error message, and line number) to the browser.
Send the following text error message to client
Click to enable IIS to send a default error message to the browser when any error prevents the Web server from processing the ASP page. You can use the default error message or change it by typing a new message in the box.
Related Topics
To learn more about Active Server Pages and configuring applications, see the IIS 6.0 online documentation on the Microsoft Windows Server TechCenter.