Use the options on this tab to determine content and user permissions for this file.
The content for this resource should come from
The designated file
Click if all content is contained in the currently selected file.
A redirection to a URL
Click to redirect the client application, such as a browser, to another Web site or virtual directory. When selected, redirect options are substituted for path options.
Setting up local or network paths allows the request to be directed to the correct physical location. You can further configure the physical location by setting user access properties, choosing whether to log requests for these resources, and choosing whether to index this site using the Indexing Service. To specify when the request is received, applications must be identified, located, and given the appropriate execute permissions and protection.
Note | |
Enable the Indexing Service through the Add or Remove Programs item in Control Panel. |
If you click The designated file, the following options are available:
Script source access
Select to allow users to access source code if either Read or Write permissions are set.
Select to allow users to read or download this file.
Select to allow users to change content in the currently selected file. Write actions can be performed only with a browser that supports the PUT feature of the HTTP 1.1 protocol standard.
Log visits
Select to configure IIS to record visits to the currently selected file in a log file. Visits are recorded only if logging is enabled for this Web site.
If you click The designated file, the following options are available:
Redirect to
Type the target URL to which the client will be sent.
The exact URL entered above
Select to redirect requests for this resource to the destination URL without adding any other portions of the original URL.
A permanent redirection for this resource
Select to send the following message to the client: "301 Permanent Redirect." In most cases, redirects are considered temporary, and the client browser receives the following message: "302 Temporary Redirect." Some browsers can use the "301 Permanent Redirect" message as the signal to permanently change a URL, such as a bookmark.
Related Topics
To learn more about logging site activity and setting up a Web site, see the IIS 6.0 online documentation on the Microsoft Windows Server TechCenter.