Use this dialog box to add a new application pool. An application pool is a set of one or more applications assigned to a set of one or more worker processes. Because pools are separated by process boundaries, an application in one pool is not affected by problems caused by applications in other pools.
Application pool ID
Type the ID tag for the application pool you are creating.
Use default settings for new application pool
Establish master settings by right-clicking the Applications Pools directory in the console tree of IIS Manager, and then clicking Properties. All application pool settings established at this level are considered master settings. These settings are propagated into all application pools contained in the directory.
Use existing application pool as template
Click to inherit the settings of an existing application pool on the application pool you are creating. The existing application pool settings act as a template for the application pool you are creating.
Application pool name
Identify the friendly name of the existing application pool to be used as a template for the application pool you are creating.
Related Topics
To learn more about application pools, see the IIS 6.0 online documentation on the Microsoft Windows Server TechCenter.