Client logon page—Provides a space for you to type the name of the client logon Web page .aspx file. The default client logon page, Clientlogon.aspx, collects user name and password credentials, but it can be customized.

Account partner discovery page—Provides a space for you to type the name of the account partner discovery Web page .aspx file. The client account partner discovery page field interacts with a client to determine the client’s account partner membership. This page may be necessary in federation designs in which the Federation Service and the Federation Service Proxy are enabled as a resource Federation Service Proxy. The default client account partner discovery page is in the Federation Service Proxy. This can be customized to add branding or to modify the Web page with a look and feel that is familiar to users. The default client account partner discovery page is Discoverclientrealm.aspx.

Client logoff page—Provides a space for you to type the name of the client logoff Web page .aspx file. The client logoff Web page presents a user interface (UI) when the local and foreign authentication states are deleted. The default Web page uses iframes so that resource partners can clean up state for their services. Your customers can customize this page and put their own branding and style on this page. The default client logoff Web page is Signout.aspx. The Signout.aspx Web page deletes the client's cached session cookies from the servers for single sign-off.